
Got Your Airbnb Listing Removed? Read This


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Imagine losing thousands of dollars in a week, not knowing exactly how much you’ve lost, all because your Airbnb listings were suddenly blocked on the calendar. 

That’s precisely what happened to me when my Airbnb listing removed without warning, and I’m here to share this stressful experience with you.

It wasn’t a dramatic takedown; there were no phone calls, no warnings, just an overlooked email lost among hundreds of thousands of others. That one email was responsible for dozens of my Airbnb listings being removed in three different cities. It was a silent storm that hit without notice, and the aftermath was both financially and emotionally taxing.

So, let’s dive into what happened, how we fixed it, and most importantly, how you can prevent this from happening to you. We’ll also explore diversification strategies to ensure that you’re not solely reliant on Airbnb.

My Experience with Airbnb Listings Getting Removed

I remember the day vividly. My phone buzzed with a message from a team member saying “I can’t find your listings on Airbnb.”

This was concerning because everything was going so well.

I quickly checked my app, and there it was, my Airbnb listing removed without a warning, without a notice.

The impact was immediate and brutal. Bookings were lost, and the financial toll began to mount. It was like watching a well-oiled machine grind to a halt. Thousands of dollars vanished in a week, and the uncertainty had me stressed out.

How could this happen? Why was there no warning?

The experience was a harsh lesson in the unpredictable nature of the platform. One overlooked email, one missed notification, and my listings in three different cities were gone. It was a discrimination policy violation, a misunderstanding about service animals that led to this unfortunate situation. The lack of phone support, the endless hours on hold, the frustration of dealing with different answers from different support teams – it was really frustrating.

But it wasn’t all doom and gloom.

This experience taught me valuable lessons about diversification, monitoring support emails, and the importance of understanding Airbnb’s policies. It was a wake-up call, a reminder that in the world of short-term rentals, you must always be on your toes.

Airbnb Listing Removed: Reasons Why

So, why are Airbnb listings removed? Is it a random act of digital cruelty, or is there a method to the madness? The truth is, Airbnb listings can be removed for a variety of reasons.

Discrimination Policy Violations

As in my case, denying a guest with a service animal can lead to a listing removal. It's a fine line, and crossing it can have severe consequences.

Non-Compliance with Local Regulations

Local laws and regulations must be adhered to. Ignorance is not bliss here; it can lead to your Airbnb listing being removed.

Poor Guest Reviews

Consistently poor reviews can lead to removal. It's a reputation game, and playing it poorly can cost you.

Fraudulent Activity

Any suspicious activity or fraudulent behavior will lead to immediate removal.

Failure to Respond to Airbnb Communications

As I learned the hard way, overlooking an email or failing to respond to Airbnb's communications can lead to removal.

What Happens When Airbnb Suspends Your Listing?

When Airbnb suspends your listing, it’s like a sudden storm hitting your tranquil sea of bookings. Your calendar gets blocked, and the once steady stream of reservations dries up. But what exactly happens when your Airbnb listing is removed?

Immediate Blockage

Your listing is immediately blocked on the platform, making it invisible to potential guests. It's as if your property has ceased to exist in the digital realm.

Loss of Revenue

With the listing gone, new bookings stop, and the financial impact can be immediate and significant. Depending on the timing and the popularity of your listing, this loss can run into thousands of dollars.

Potential Loss of Reviews

If you're forced to create a new account or re-list the property, you may lose all the hard-earned reviews and ratings that you've accumulated over time.

Stress and Uncertainty

The emotional toll can be just as devastating. The lack of clear communication and the uncertainty surrounding the suspension can lead to stress and anxiety.

Reputation Damage

Your reputation as a host can suffer, especially if the suspension is due to a violation of Airbnb's policies or local regulations.


The suspension doesn't just affect you; it also impacts your housekeepers and team who rely on steady work. The sudden halt can lead to job insecurity and even temporary layoffs if the issue isn't resolved quickly, adding another layer of stress to the situation.

What You Can Do About This

Facing an Airbnb listing removal is not the end of the world. There are steps you can take to navigate this stormy situation:

Understand the Reason

Determine why the listing was removed. Was it a policy violation, a missed email, or something else? Understanding the cause is the first step in finding a solution.

Contact Airbnb Support

Though it may be challenging, reaching out to Airbnb support is essential. Persistence is key here.

Diversify Your Listings

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Consider listing your property on other platforms like VRBO and Diversification can be a lifesaver.

Monitor Support Emails

Make sure to keep an eye on support emails and respond promptly. An overlooked email can lead to unnecessary complications. Quick tip: if you're using GMail, you can use a filter to mark those incoming support emails as "Urgent".

Comply with Policies and Regulations

Ensure that you are in compliance with all Airbnb policies and local regulations. Knowledge and compliance can prevent future suspensions.

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Dealing with Airbnb Support

Dealing with Airbnb support can be a journey filled with twists and turns. Here’s my personal experience:

  • When my listings were removed, I found myself trapped in a maze of email communications. The lack of phone support was frustrating, and the reliance on email made the process slow and cumbersome.

  • Hours on the phone, conflicting answers from different support teams, and closed support tickets added to the frustration. It felt like a never-ending battle with a faceless entity.

  • One overlooked email led to the removal of my listings. Monitoring support emails and responding promptly became a lesson learned the hard way.

Preventing Listing Removals

Scrolling through Airbnb listings

Preventing your Airbnb listing from being removed requires vigilance, understanding, and proactive measures. Here’s how you can fortify your listing:

1. Know the Rules 

Familiarize yourself with Airbnb’s policies and local regulations. Ignorance is not bliss in this case; it can lead to unexpected removals.

2. Respond Promptly

Whether it’s a guest inquiry or a support email from Airbnb, prompt responses show that you’re engaged and responsible.

3. Maintain Quality Standards

Ensure that your listing meets and maintains the quality standards set by Airbnb. Regular maintenance and updates can go a long way.

4. Use Multiple Accounts

Consider having multiple Airbnb accounts to spread the risk. If one listing is removed, others can continue to generate revenue.

5. Seek Professional Advice if Needed

Sometimes, it might be wise to seek professional legal or real estate advice to ensure that you’re in full compliance with all regulations.

Understanding Airbnb's Discrimination Policy

Airbnb’s discrimination policy is a cornerstone of its community guidelines. It’s a policy that reflects the platform’s commitment to inclusivity and fairness. But what does it entail?

No Discrimination Against Service Animals

Even if you have a no-pet policy, you cannot deny a guest with a legitimate service animal. This includes all animals with proper documentation.

Equal Treatment for All Guests

Regardless of race, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics, all guests must be treated equally.

Compliance is Mandatory

Violation of this policy can lead to immediate suspension or removal of your listing. Understanding and adhering to this policy is not optional; it’s a requirement.

Importance of Monitoring and Communication

Monitoring and communication allow you to see potential problems before they become crises. Here’s why they’re vital:

1. Early Detection of Issues

Regular monitoring of your listing, emails, and guest feedback can help you detect issues early and address them before they escalate.

2. Building Trust with Guests

Clear and timely communication builds trust with guests. It shows that you care and are available to assist them.

3. Staying Informed

Keeping an eye on policy updates and industry trends helps you stay ahead of the curve. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it’s also protection.

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Embracing Diversification for Long-Term Success

In the world of short-term rentals, diversification is about spreading your wings and not being tied to one platform. Here’s why embracing diversification is essential for long-term success:

1. By listing on multiple platforms, you reduce the risk associated with the sudden removal or suspension of your Airbnb listing.

2. Different platforms attract different types of guests. Diversification allows you to tap into various markets and demographics.

3. Utilizing channel managers and other tools can make managing multiple listings across different platforms seamless and efficient.

Questions on Getting Your Airbnb Listing Removed

Airbnb bans are not necessarily permanent. The duration and severity of a ban depend on the nature of the violation. Minor infractions might result in temporary suspensions, while more serious violations could lead to a permanent ban.

Airbnb’s Trust and Safety team reviews each case individually, and the host or guest involved can usually appeal the decision.

No, deleting a listing on Airbnb does not delete the reviews associated with that listing. If you decide to deactivate or delete a listing, the reviews will remain visible in your account under the “Reviews” section.

However, they won’t be publicly visible on the platform if the listing is no longer active. If you choose to reactivate the listing later, the reviews will reappear.

The length of an Airbnb ban varies depending on the circumstances and the severity of the violation. Temporary suspensions might last a few days or weeks, while more serious offenses could result in indefinite or permanent bans.

Airbnb’s policies outline the potential reasons for suspension or removal, and the exact duration will be communicated to the affected party by Airbnb’s support team. It’s essential to understand and comply with Airbnb’s community standards and policies to avoid potential bans or suspensions.

Suspending is when Airbnb temporarily removes a listing from their platform, making it invisible to potential guests. The listing can be reinstated after resolving the issues that led to the suspension.

Banning is when Airbnb permanently removes a listing or host from the platform, usually due to severe or repeated violations of their policies.

With suspending, existing bookings may be honored, but no new bookings can be made.

On the other hand, with banning all existing bookings are usually canceled, and the host may be required to refund guests.

If your listing is suspended your reviews remain intact, and you can continue from where you left off once the listing is reinstated.

But if your listing is banned, you lose all accumulated reviews and ratings, as the listing is permanently removed.

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