
Outsourcing Property Management: Unpacking the Pros and Cons

Outsourcing property management

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Nearly 52% of property owners are now considering outsourcing some aspects of their property management. That’s right! The short-term rental real estate landscape is shifting, and savvy investors are always on the hunt for smarter, more efficient ways to manage their portfolios.

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the day-to-day grind of STR property management or wondered if there’s a better way to handle guest communications, you’re not alone.

Let’s unpack the ins and outs of outsourcing short-term rental property management, explore its benefits, potential pitfalls, and the transformative impact it can have on your real estate journey.

Tired of trading your time managing your listings?
Want to ensure every guest leaves a glowing review?
What if you could have a team available 24/7 without the hassle of building it yourself?

Let us handle it all and more!

What Exactly does Outsourcing Property Management Entail?

Outsourcing property management is the act of delegating the responsibilities of managing a property to external experts. This approach allows property owners to leverage the expertise of professionals who specialize in various aspects of property management.

What can you outsource?

From guest communications, maintenance, and housekeeping to financial reporting and tenant screening, almost every facet of short-term property management can be outsourced. This includes:

Who is it for?

Outsourcing property management is ideal for:

The Benefits of Outsourcing Short Term Rental Property Management

Embracing the practice of outsourcing property management comes with an array of benefits that can revolutionize your short-term rental venture. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

Cost efficiency

Outsourcing can be a game-changer for your wallet. Instead of hiring a full-time property manager, you pay for services only when you need them. This model can lead to significant savings in the long run.

Plus, with a property management virtual assistant, you often get the expertise without the overhead costs associated with full-time employees, such as benefits and office space.

Access to specialized skills and advanced technology

Outsourcing firms or virtual assistants for property management often come equipped with the latest technology and specialized skills. This ensures your property is managed efficiently and stays competitive in the market.

They might have access to advanced property management software, AI-driven analytics tools, and more, which can be expensive for individual property owners to procure.

On top of this, professional short-term rental managers often have bulk software pricing, which makes operations run more efficiently, as compared to an individual that usually pays top price.

Enhanced adaptability

The real estate market is unpredictable. Outsourcing allows you to scale operations up or down based on demand, ensuring flexibility.

For instance, if you expand your property portfolio, your outsourcing partner can easily accommodate the increased workload.

Increased focus on core operations

With the operational aspects of property management taken care of, you can focus on expanding your portfolio, strategizing for future investments, or even venturing into other business areas.

Listen to this podcast episode here

Potential Drawbacks of Outsourcing Property Management

While outsourcing property management offers many advantages, it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks before making a decision. Here are some aspects to keep in mind:

Potential loss of control

Outsourcing means entrusting an external entity with your property. While they are professionals, there’s a chance they might not manage the property exactly as you would.

This can sometimes lead to a feeling of losing control over daily operations, especially if there’s a lack of regular communication.

Conflicts in company culture

Your outsourcing partner might have a different work culture or approach to handling issues, which can lead to conflicts in service delivery or communication. It’s essential to ensure that both parties are aligned in terms of values and expectations.

Hidden costs

While outsourcing can appear cost-effective upfront, there might be hidden costs or fees that aren’t apparent initially. These could be in the form of additional charges for extra services or penalties for contract terminations.

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Challenges related to time zone differences

If your virtual assistant is in a different time zone, it might lead to delays in communication. This can be particularly challenging if urgent issues arise that need immediate attention. It’s essential to establish clear communication protocols to mitigate such challenges.

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Options for Outsourcing Guest Communications

When it comes to guest communications, outsourcing can be a game-changer. Efficient and responsive communication is essential to ensuring a positive guest experience, leading to better reviews and repeat bookings. Here are some options for outsourcing guest communications:

Hiring a manager

Hiring a dedicated manager can be a game-changer for property owners. This professional can handle all guest communications, from inquiries and bookings to feedback and complaints.

With their expertise, they can ensure timely responses, manage guest expectations, and maintain a high level of guest satisfaction.

Also, having a manager means there’s a single point of contact, ensuring consistency in communication and service delivery.

Hiring or contracting housekeepers

Housekeepers, being on the property, have firsthand knowledge of its condition and any immediate issues.

They can double up as communicators, addressing immediate guest concerns, from a malfunctioning appliance to additional requirements like extra towels. This dual role can be cost-effective and ensures that guests receive quick solutions to their on-ground problems.

You might like this podcast episode on “Hiring Your OWN Housekeeping Team for Airbnb (Pros and Cons)

Hiring a third-party service

Several companies specialize in guest communication for properties. These companies bring a wealth of experience and have systems in place to handle high volumes of communication efficiently. By hiring such a service, property owners can ensure professionalism, timely responses, and even get insights and reports on guest feedback.

These companies often come equipped with advanced tools and software that can automate certain aspects of communication, ensuring guests receive immediate responses even during peak times.

Hiring a virtual receptionist

In today’s digital age, physical presence isn’t always necessary. A virtual receptionist, working remotely, can handle guest queries round the clock. This ensures no communication gaps, even across different time zones. 

Virtual receptionists are trained professionals who can manage multiple channels of communication, from emails and calls to instant messaging platforms. Their flexibility means they can adapt to varying volumes of queries, ensuring every guest feels heard and valued.

I guarantee you after you hire your first virtual assistant, if you don’t have one already right now, you’re gonna wish you did it a long, long time ago.

Finding and Hiring Virtual Receptionists For Your Short-Term Rental

Now that you’re considering hiring a virtual receptionist for your short-term rentals, the next step is finding the right fit. Here are some tips to help you in your search:

Online Platforms

Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and specialized sites like Virtual Staff Finder have a plethora of candidates. You can post your requirements, set a budget, and receive proposals from potential candidates.

Vetting Candidates

It’s essential to vet candidates thoroughly. Check their reviews, past work, and even ask for references. This ensures you’re not just getting someone who can do the job, but someone who can do it well.

Conduct Interviews

While their online profile might be impressive, it’s essential to conduct interviews, either via call or video chat. This helps gauge their communication skills, understand their work ethic, and see if they align with your property’s ethos.

Trial Period

Before committing long-term, consider having a trial period. This allows you to assess their skills in real-time and see if they fit into your operational flow.

Consider hiring just one shift first. Usually Thursday through Monday are the busiest times for a short-term rental owner, because a lot of people are checking in and out around the weekend.


Even the best virtual receptionist will need some training. Ensure they understand your property’s specifics, your expectations, and any tools or software they might need to use.

You might like this podcast episode on “The 3 Best Sites for Hiring Real Estate Virtual Assistants

My Experience with Virtual Receptionists

Dive into the world of real estate, and you’ll find it’s not just about the bricks and mortar. It’s about the stories, the connections, the late-night guest messages, and the cultural nuances that come with every property.

From the bustling streets of urban jungles to the serene vineyards where time seems to stand still, every property I’ve dipped my toes into has been a unique experience. And let me tell you, it’s been quite the journey.

But here’s the kicker: while I was out there, wheeling and dealing, there was a team behind the scenes, ensuring everything ran like a well-oiled machine.

Enter the virtual receptionists. These rockstars, working from different corners of the world, have been the backbone of my operations.

They’ve handled guest queries at ungodly hours, managed bookings, and even diffused potential crises with their impeccable communication skills.

I remember the initial hesitation, the thought of “What if they don’t get it right?” But as I expanded my portfolio, the sheer volume of communications became overwhelming. It was clear; I needed help. And so, I took the plunge, hiring my first virtual receptionist. I couldn’t be more happy that I did, and I’ve never looked back.

Over time, I’ve had the privilege of working with some fantastic individuals. From the Philippines to Mexico, and Europe, these virtual receptionists have brought diverse perspectives, skills, and a shared commitment to excellence. They’ve become an integral part of my team, and I often find myself marveling at their dedication and efficiency.

The beauty of it all?

The world has become a global village. With platforms like and Jobrack, finding top talent has never been easier.

And the best part? They want flexibility. The recent shift towards remote work has opened up a talent pool like never before. Imagine the potential, the talent out there, waiting to be tapped!

Recommendations for Hiring and Working with Virtual Receptionists

Clear Communication

Set clear expectations right from the start.


Invest time in training them about your property and its nuances.

Regular Check-ins

Regularly check in to ensure they’re aligned with your property’s vision.

Feedback Loop

Constructive feedback helps in refining processes and ensuring top-notch service.

Final thoughts

The world of short-term rental real estate is changing, and it’s changing fast. Gone are the days when managing a property meant being on-site 24/7 and handling every little issue in person. Today, it’s all about smart choices, leveraging technology, and finding the right people, no matter where they are in the world.

Outsourcing property management, especially with virtual receptionists, is a game-changer. It’s like having a dedicated team, always on standby, ensuring everything runs smoothly. And the best part? It’s efficient, cost-effective, and gives you the freedom to focus on what you do best.

Now, I’ve been through the ups and downs of property management, and trust me, having a reliable team, even if they’re virtual, makes all the difference. It’s about ensuring your guests get top-notch service, your operations are streamlined, and you’re always ahead of the curve.

So, if you’re in the STR property game or thinking of diving in, remember to stay adaptable.

Questions on Getting Your Airbnb Listing Removed

Outsourcing guest communications, while beneficial in many ways, does come with its challenges.

One of the primary concerns is the potential loss of a personal touch. When property owners interact directly with guests, they can create a unique bond and understanding, which might be diluted when handed over to a third party.

Additionally, there’s always the risk of miscommunication, as third-party communicators might not always capture the brand’s voice or understand specific nuances related to the property. 

And at last, there’s an inherent dependency that comes with outsourcing; if the external entity faces issues or there are disputes, it can pose operational challenges.

The cost of outsourcing guest communications can vary based on several factors:

  1. Premium services or those with specialized skills might charge more.
  2. The number of properties or the volume of communications can influence the price.
  3. Hiring a virtual assistant from regions with a lower cost of living can be more affordable.
  4. If the service includes more than just communication, like property management software or analytics, it might be pricier.

The first step is to assess your needs. Determine the volume of communications, the specific tasks you want to outsource, and the level of expertise required. Once you have a clear picture, research potential service providers or platforms where you can hire virtual assistants.

Reading reviews, asking for recommendations, and conducting interviews can help ensure you find the right fit for your needs.

Effective management of a virtual assistant hinges on clear and consistent communication.

It’s vital to set explicit expectations from the outset, provide comprehensive instructions, and maintain an open channel for feedback and queries.

Regular check-ins, whether weekly or bi-weekly, can be instrumental in discussing progress, addressing any concerns, and offering direction. Leveraging collaboration tools can further streamline tasks and enhance communication.

Investing time in training the virtual assistant about your brand voice, property specifics, and any relevant software can pay dividends in the long run. 

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